1 35 Ave S, Creston, British Columbia, V0B 1G9
Call Now: +16043564709

About Us

The Mushroom Producer Organisation was formed in 2018 to promote collective marketing within the mushroom industry.

Our Motto

  • Encourage concentration of supply
  • Continually invest in better quality, processes, and production
  • Build a more sustainable industry for all

We were founded in our belief that the mushroom industry can be more sustainable for farmers, workers, and the environment. By combining our knowledge and expertise we are able to grow and improve. We do this through offering support, advice and training on all aspects of growing along with significant investment in farms and innovation.

Together we benefit from economies of scale that improves our competitive edge in the market. We are better able to target a larger variety of customers and encourage concentration of supply within the Group.

Since our formation, we have built a strong and passionate community who are dedicated to promoting knowledge of the benefits of mushrooms as a healthy and delicious food. We work together to market mushrooms to the consumer and drive growth of the category.

The market for mushrooms

The mushroom category continues to grow each year, with sales in 2020 growing significantly due to more people cooking at home. In the first half of 2020, sales were up by 20%.
The growth in sales is not just related to the pandemic but follows a trend of increasing mushroom consumption. According to Kantar, mushroom sales have increased from around £390 million in 2015 to £430 million in 2019. The value in 2020 is forecast to be around £450 million.
Consumption of mushrooms has outperformed many other fresh produce categories, but the benefit of this increased opportunity has gone as much to overseas suppliers as UK suppliers.

Oyster Mushroom

Oyster mushrooms, or Pleurotus species, are a group of gilled mushrooms.Oyster mushrooms are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other...

Canada Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake mushrooms are one of the most popular mushrooms worldwide. They are prized for their rich, savory taste and diverse health benefits...

Lion’s mane Mushroom

Lion’s mane mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus) are big, white mushrooms that resemble a lion’s mane (hence the name). Lion’s mane mushrooms are also...


The golden child of the mushroom world, chanterelles are known for their beautiful yellow-orange color, their rarity (they’re available fresh only...

Our Team
Meet the specialists that work at our farm
Nathan Smith
Nathan Smith
Mushroom Farmer
Laura Palmer
Laura Palmer
Joe Carter
Joe Carter
Melissa Cox
Melissa Cox
Why Choose Us?
We Deliver to Every Store in Town

Delivery Services

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Certified Products

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Recycled Packages

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We grow the best mushrooms!
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